Apprenticeship Accountability Framework

The Apprenticeship Accountability Framework report shows risk areas for providers along with a risk rating, based on the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework documentation and guidance.

Clicking on a figure will show a drilldown of the learners and aims which comprise that figure. The columns included in the drilldown are specific to that particular indicator, to show data relevant to the derivation of the figure.



The following should be noted while reading the criteria:

Indicator Figure Derivation At Risk Needs Improvement
Achievement rates (QAR) Achievers TRAINEEPPR.FRAME = @year Achievement rate < 50% Achievement rate >= 50% and < 60%
Achievement rate Percentage of achievers / overall cohort
Retention rates (QAR) Retention TRAINEEPPR.RETENTION = @year Retention rate < 52% Retention rate >= 52% and < 62%
Retention rate Percentage of retention / overall cohort
Withdrawals Withdrawals totalapps where programme aim completion status [TRAINEEPOT2.ILR11_PROG_COMPLETIONSTAUS] = 3 Withdrawal rate > 35% (Withdrawal rate <= 35% and > 15%) OR withdrawals > 250"
Total apprentices totalapps
Withdrawal rate Percentage of withdrawals / totalapps
Off the job training Apprentices below planned OTJ threshold

First, the minimum weekly OTJ hours is derived based on the employment status Employment Intensity Indicator (EII) as:

  • EII 5 = 1 hour

  • EII 6 = 11 hours

  • EII 7 = 21 hours

  • EII 8 = 30 hours

(EII values 1 to 4 are ignored as they are no longer used.)


Next, the planned programme length in weeks is derived as the number of weeks between the programme start date and planned end date. The method used for measuring weeks is the SQL Server datediff function; i.e. datediff(week,[prog start date],[prog planned end date]).


The annual leave adjustment is set at 0.892, which is rounded from the ESFA's multiplier of (1 - (5.6 / 52)).


The total minimum required OTJ hours is calculated as: minimum weekly hours x planned weeks x 0.892 x 0.2

e.g. With an EII of 8 and a planned programme length of 52 weeks, the total min required OTJ hours would be: 30 x 52 x 0.892 x 0.2 = 278.304 hours.


The ILR planned hours (TRAINEEPOT.ILR_1920_PLANNEDHOURS) and actual hours (TRAINEEPOT.ILR_2021_ACTHOURS) are then each compared against the min OTJ hours.

If the planned hours are less than the min OTJ hours, the learner is considered below the minimum required planned hours.

totalapps below planned OTJ threshold +totalapps below actual OTJ threshold > 20

OR totalapps present with 0 planned hours or 0 actual hours

totalapps below planned OTJ threshold > 15

OR totalapps below actual OTJ threshold > 0

Apprentices below actual OTJ threshold Derive figures as above. If the actual hours are less than the min OTJ hours AND the programme completion status is 2 (completed), the learner is considered below the minimum required actual hours (i.e. the actual hours are only relevant if the learner has completed).
Apprentices with 0 planned hours OR 0 actual hours on completion totalapps where planned hours [TP.ILR_1920_PHOURS] = 0 OR actual hours [TP.ILR_2021_ACTHOURS] = 0
Learners past planned end date Total apprentices totalapps Apprentices past PED by 365+ days percentage > 15%

Apprentices past PED by 180 to 364 days percentage > 15%

OR Apprentices past PED by 180 to 364 days records > 250

Apprentices past PED by 365+ days

Derive daysoverdue as: days between programme planned end date and (if programme actual end date is entered then programme actual end date, else current date)

Then count totalapps where daysoverdue >= 365

Apprentices past PED by 180 to 364 days      
Breaks in learning Total apprentices totalapps Apprentices on a break in learning for 365+ days percentage > 15% Apprentices on a break in learning for 180 to 364 days percentage > 15% OR Apprentices on a break in learning for 180 to 364 days records > 250
Apprentices on a break in learning for 365+ days

First, derive norestart (i.e. learners on a break with no restart record) as totalapps where:

  • programme completion status = 6

  • and there does not exist a POT record where the POT number is greater than the break record and

    • programme or main aim restart indicator = 1

    • learner ref. no. matches on the break record

    • the programme or main aim original learning start date matches the programme start date or programme original learning start date on the break record

    • UKPRN matches on the break record

    • programme type matches on the break record

    • framework code matches on the break record OR programme aim standard code matches on the break record

If all the above is true, norestart = Y

Next count daysonbreak as the days between the programme aim actual end date on the break record and the current date

The final figure is the totalapps where norestart = Y and daysonbreak >= 365

Apprentices on a break in learning for 180 to 364 days

Derive norestart and daysonbreak as above

The final figure is the totalapps where norestart = Y and daysonbreak >= 180 and < 365

End point assessment organisation data No EPA within 3 months of PED

First, derive liveapps as totalapps where no programme aim actual end date is entered (i.e. live records) and where there is no prog aim EPA organisation ID entered [TRAINEEPOT.ILR_1718_PROG_EPAORGID]

Then count liveapps where the programme planned end date <= current date + 3 months

No EPA within 3 months of PED > 0 No EPA within 3 to 6 months of PED > 0
No EPA within 3 to 6 months of PED Derive liveapps as above, then count liveapps where the programme planned end date > current date + 3 months and <= current date + 6 months

Merge multiple POTs into single programme

The Apprenticeship Accountability Framework report will by default merge multiple POTs from planned breaks / restarts into a single programme in the results. This can be toggled with the Merge planned break / restart POTs into a single record parameter.

This feature is implemented in the Withdrawals, Off the job training, Learners past planned end date and End point assessment organisation data measures, so that programmes that have restarted are not counted more than once.

The feature is not implemented in the Achievement rates, Retention rates and Breaks in learning measures, as these have their own specific rules for how breaks / restarts are measured and presented.

POTs are merged into a single programme by first identifying POTs where the programme aim completion status is 6 or the restart indicator is 1. These POTs are then matched as part of the same programme on ULN, learner reference number, UKPRN and framework or standard code. The following data is then used in the measures:

Field Data used
POT Latest POT in the programme (based on start date)
Start date Earliest programme start date of all POTs in the programme
Planned end date Latest programme planned end date of all POTs in the programme
Actual end date Latest programme actual end date of all POTs in the programme
Completion status Latest programme completion status of all POTs in the programme